Your challenges
Reinforce the confidence of investors and partners
Estimate of the value range to be attributed to the company
Business Value Optimization Consulting
Our strengths
Assessment methods in accordance with international standards
Structured and tailor-made support
Pragmatism and proactivity
Recognized expertise of our experts
Our support
After a phase of learning about the economic environment and the possible particularities of the sector where the company operates along with determining its specific positioning , our consultants conduct a specific analysis of the economic context that may have an impact on the products related to the operation, and in particular:
- - A specific detailed diagnosis of the general environment of the business sector and the positioning of the company.
- - A specific analysis to help determine the company's capacity to generate cash flow in the future.
On this basis, they select several valuation methods that would adapt to the structure and implement them to arrive at a range of values.